圣经目录 | 路加福音-Luke | <上一章 下一章> |
路加福音-Luke 第 22 章 |
22:1 | 除酵节,又名逾越节近了。 Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, was drawing near. |
22:2 | 祭司长和经学家设法怎样才能除掉耶稣,因为他们惧怕百姓。 And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking a way to do away with Him, for they feared the people. |
22:3 | 这时,撒但进了那称为加略人的犹大里面,他本是十二数中的一个。 And Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot and was of the number of the twelve. |
22:4 | 他去和祭司长并守殿官商量,怎样可以把耶稣交给他们。 And he went away and conferred with the chief priests and officers as to how he might deliver Him up to them. |
22:5 | 他们欢喜,就约定给他银子。 And they rejoiced and promised to give him money. |
22:6 | 他完全应允了,就寻找机会,要趁群众不在的时候,把耶稣交给他们。 And he consented and sought opportunity to deliver Him up to them apart from the crowd. |
22:7 | 除酵节,须宰逾越羊羔的那一天到了。 And the day of Unleavened Bread came, on which the passover had to be sacrificed. |
22:8 | 耶稣打发彼得和约翰,说,你们去为我们预备逾越节的筵席,给我们吃。 And He sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare the passover for us, so that we may eat it. |
22:9 | 他们问祂说,你要我们在那里预备? And they said to Him, Where do You want us to prepare it? |
22:10 | 耶稣说,看哪,你们进了城,必有人拿着一瓶水,迎面而来,你们要跟着他,到他所进的屋子里去, And He told them, Behold, as you are entering into the city, a man carrying an earthen jar of water will meet you. Follow him into the house which he enters. |
22:11 | 对那家的主人说,夫子说,我同门徒可以吃逾越节筵席的客房在那里? And you shall say to the master of the house, The Teacher says to you, Where is the guest room where I may eat the passover with My disciples? |
22:12 | 那人必指给你们摆设整齐的一间大楼房,你们就在那里预备。 And that one will show you a large upper room furnished; prepare there. |
22:13 | 他们去了,所遇见的正如耶稣对他们所说的,他们就预备了逾越节的筵席。 And they left and found it even as He had told them, and they prepared the passover. |
22:14 | 时候到了,耶稣坐席,使徒也和祂同坐。 And when the hour came, He reclined at table, and the apostles with Him. |
22:15 | 祂对他们说,我切愿在受害以先,同你们吃这逾越节的筵席。 And He said to them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer, |
22:16 | 我告诉你们,我绝不再吃这筵席,直到它成就在神的国里。 For I tell you that I shall by no means eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God. |
22:17 | 耶稣接过杯来,祝谢了,说,你们拿这个,大家分着喝。 And He received a cup and gave thanks and said, Take this and divide it among yourselves; |
22:18 | 我告诉你们,从今以后,我绝不喝这葡萄树的产品,直等神的国来到。 For I tell you, I shall by no means drink from now on of the product of the vine until the kingdom of God comes. |
22:19 | 又拿起饼来,祝谢了,就擘开,递给他们,说,这是我的身体,为你们舍的,你们要如此行,为的是记念我。 And He took a loaf and gave thanks, and He broke it and gave it to them, saying, This is My body which is being given for you; do this in remembrance of Me. |
22:20 | 饭后,也照样拿起杯来,说,这杯是用我血所立的新约,这血是为你们流出来的。 And similarly the cup after they had dined, saying, This cup is the new covenant established in My blood, which is being poured out for you. |
22:21 | 看哪,那出卖我之人的手,与我一同在桌子上。 But behold, the hand of the one betraying Me is with Me at the table. |
22:22 | 人子固然要照所预定的去世,但出卖人子的有祸了。 For the Son of Man is going according to what has been determined, but woe to that man through whom He is betrayed! |
22:23 | 他们就彼此究问,他们中间是那一个要作这事。 And they began to discuss among themselves who then of them it was who was about to do this. |
22:24 | 还有,门徒中间也起了争论,他们中间那一个可算为大。 And a contention also occurred among them as to which of them seemed to be greatest. |
22:25 | 耶稣对他们说,外邦人有君王为主治理他们,那掌权管辖他们的称为恩主。 And He said to them, The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who have authority over them are called benefactors. |
22:26 | 但你们不是这样;反倒你们中间为大的,要像年幼的;为首领的,要像服事人的。 But you shall not be so; but let the greatest among you become like the youngest, and the one who leads like the one who serves. |
22:27 | 是谁为大?是坐席的,还是服事人的?不是坐席的大么?然而我在你们中间,如同服事人的。 For who is greater, the one who reclines at table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at table? But I am in your midst as the one who serves. |
22:28 | 在我的试炼中,始终和我同在的就是你们。 But you are those who have remained with Me throughout My trials. |
22:29 | 我将国赐给你们,正如我父赐给我一样, And I appoint to you, even as My Father has appointed to Me, a kingdom, |
22:30 | 叫你们在我国里,坐在我的席上吃喝,并且坐在宝座上,审判以色列十二个支派。 That you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom; and you will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. |
22:31 | 西门,西门,看哪,撒但想要得着你们,好筛你们像麦子一样。 Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has asked to have you all to sift you as wheat. |
22:32 | 但我已经为你祈求,叫你不至于失了信心,你回转过来,要坚固你的弟兄。 But I have made petition concerning you that your faith would not fail; and you, once you have turned again, establish your brothers. |
22:33 | 彼得说,主啊,我已经预备好,去同你下监,同你受死。 And he said to Him, Lord, I am ready to go with You both to prison and to death. |
22:34 | 耶稣说,彼得,我告诉你,今日鸡还没有叫,你要三次否认你认得我。 But He said, I tell you, Peter, a rooster will not crow today until you deny three times that you know Me. |
22:35 | 耶稣又对他们说,我差你们出去,没有带钱袋、口袋和鞋,那时你们缺乏什么没有?他们说,没有。 And He said to them, When I sent you without purse and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you? And they said, Nothing. |
22:36 | 祂说,但如今有钱袋的可以带着,有口袋的也可以带着,没有刀的,要卖衣服买刀。 And He said to them, But now, let him who has a purse take it, likewise also a bag; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. |
22:37 | 我告诉你们,经上写着,“祂被列在不法的人当中,”这话必须应验在我身上,因为那关系我的事,就要成就了。 For I tell you that this which is written must be accomplished in Me, "And He was counted with the lawless.'' For indeed that which concerns Me has its fulfillment. |
22:38 | 他们说,主啊,看哪,这里有两把刀。耶稣对他们说,够了。 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And He said to them, It is enough. |
22:39 | 耶稣出来,照例往橄榄山去,门徒也跟随祂。 And He came out and went according to His custom to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples also followed Him. |
22:40 | 到了那地方,就对他们说,你们要祷告,免得入了试诱。 And when He came to the place, He said to them, Pray that you do not enter into temptation. |
22:41 | 于是离开他们,约有扔一块石头那样远,屈膝祷告说, And He withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and He knelt down and prayed, |
22:42 | 父啊,你若愿意,就把这杯从我撤去,然而不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的意思。 Saying, Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet, not My will, but Yours be done. |
22:43 | 有一位天使从天上向祂显现,加给祂力量。 And an angel from heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him. |
22:44 | 耶稣痛苦挣扎,祷告更加恳切,汗珠如大血点滴落在地上。 And being in agony He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down upon the ground. |
22:45 | 祷告完了,就起来,到门徒那里,见他们因为忧愁都睡着了, And when He rose up from prayer and came to the disciples, He found them sleeping from sorrow, |
22:46 | 就对他们说,你们为什么睡觉?起来祷告,免得入了试诱。 And He said to them, Why are you sleeping? Rise up and pray that you may not enter into temptation. |
22:47 | 耶稣还在说话的时候,看哪,来了一群人,那十二个门徒中名叫犹大的,走在他们前面,就近耶稣,要与祂亲嘴。 While He was still speaking, behold, a crowd came, and he who is called Judas, one of the twelve, was going before them and drew near to Jesus to kiss Him. |
22:48 | 耶稣对他说,犹大,你用亲嘴的暗号出卖人子么? But Jesus said to him, Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss? |
22:49 | 周围的人看见要发生的事,就说,主啊,我们用刀砍可以不可以? And those around Him, seeing what would happen, said, Lord, shall we strike with the sword? |
22:50 | 其中有一个人,将大祭司的奴仆砍了一刀,削掉了他的右耳。 And a certain one of them struck the slave of the high priest and took off his right ear. |
22:51 | 耶稣说,由他们到这个地步吧。就摸那人的耳朵,把他治好了。 But Jesus answered and said, Let them go this far. And touching his ear, He healed him. |
22:52 | 耶稣对那些来捉祂的祭司长、守殿官和长老说,你们带着刀棒出来捉我,如同捉强盗么? And Jesus said to the chief priests and officers of the temple and elders who had come up against Him, Have you come out as against a robber with swords and clubs? |
22:53 | 我天天同你们在殿里,你们并没有下手捉我。但这是你们的时候,黑暗掌权了。 While I was with you day by day in the temple, you did not stretch out your hands against Me. But this is your hour and the authority of darkness. |
22:54 | 他们捉住耶稣,把祂带到大祭司的宅里。彼得远远的跟着。 And having arrested Him, they led Him away, and brought Him into the house of the high priest. But Peter followed at a distance. |
22:55 | 他们在院子当中生了火,一同坐着,彼得也坐在他们中间。 And when they had lit a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat down together, Peter sat among them. |
22:56 | 有一个使女,看见彼得坐在火光里,就定睛看他,说,这个人也是同祂一起的。 And a certain servant girl, seeing him seated in the light of the fire, looked intently at him and said, This man was with Him too. |
22:57 | 彼得却不承认,说,女子,我不认得祂。 But he denied it, saying, I do not know Him, woman. |
22:58 | 又过了不久,另有一位看见他,说,你也是属他们的。彼得说,你这个人,我不是。 And after a short time, another person, seeing him, said, You also are one of them. But Peter said, Man, I am not! |
22:59 | 约过了一小时,另有一个人极力的说,他也确是同那人一起的,因为他也是加利利人。 And after about one hour had passed, another one insisted, saying, Surely this man was also with Him, for he is also a Galilean. |
22:60 | 彼得说,你这个人,我不知道你说的是什么。他正说话的时候,即时鸡就叫了。 But Peter said, Man, I do not know what you are saying. And instantly, while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed. |
22:61 | 主转过身来看彼得,彼得便想起主对他所说的话:今日鸡叫以前,你要三次否认我。 And the Lord turned and looked at Peter, and Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, Before a rooster crows today, you will deny Me three times. |
22:62 | 他就到外面去痛哭。 And he went outside and wept bitterly. |
22:63 | 看守耶稣的人戏弄祂,打祂, And the men who were holding Him mocked Him and beat Him. |
22:64 | 又蒙着祂的眼,问祂说,申言吧,打你的是谁? And they blindfolded Him and questioned Him, saying, Prophesy! Who is the one who hit You? |
22:65 | 他们还用许多别的话亵渎祂。 And they said many other things against Him, blaspheming. |
22:66 | 天一亮,民间的众长老,连祭司长带经学家都聚集,把耶稣带到他们的议会里,说, And when it became day, the assembly of the elders of the people, both chief priests and scribes, were gathered together, and they led Him away to their Sanhedrin, saying, |
22:67 | 你若是基督,就告诉我们。耶稣对他们说,我若告诉你们,你们也绝不信; If You are the Christ, tell us. But He said to them, If I tell you, you shall by no means believe; |
22:68 | 我若问你们,你们也绝不回答。 And if I ask you, you shall by no means answer. |
22:69 | 从今以后,人子要坐在神大能者的右边。 But from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God. |
22:70 | 他们都说,这样,你是神的儿子么?耶稣对他们说,你们说的对,我是。 And they all said, Are You then the Son of God? And He said to them, You say rightly that I am. |
22:71 | 他们说,我们何需再用见证?因为我们亲自从祂口中听见了。 And they said, What further need do we have of testimony? For we have heard it ourselves from His mouth. |
路加福音-Luke 第 22 章 | <上一章 下一章> |